Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Xenex the Bug Man issue 4 is in my hand!

Me holding the first printing of Xenex the Bug Man issue 4!
Imagine this: I'm sitting at my board illustrating a page for UF and the doorbell rings. Who could it be? It's the Postman and he is dropping off one of the most wonderful packages! What's the package? It's a small printing of Xenex the Bug Man issue 4! I am so excited about this! It's been a while since I had a new issue made and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. So far, from front to back, I have found no problems with it's printing. It looks fantastic and even better than issue 3 (for those of you that have issue 3)!

On top of having some comics in my hand, Indyplanet just let me know that this issue is now for sale on their website! So, head over to the comics tab, or follow this link straight over and order your copy! If you do not have the previous copies, I have their links posted in the Comic Books tab on the store front. If you order a bunch of issues at once, you can save on shipping!

Page 4 and 5 Spread of Xenex the Bug Man issue 4

And remember, I did go ahead and purchase a table for the Fan Days Convention in October. So I will be there (given that I don't have another mishap). I will have a small printing of issue 4 with me at the convention. If you want to purchase one from me there, get there early. If you order your book online, bring it to the convention, and I'll sign it (signing is free with a smile)!

Xenex the Bug Man issue 1-4 cover layout

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Design in the Xenex the Bug Man Cafepress Store

I recently cleaned up and modernized the Xenex the Bug Man cafepress shop. I really felt it needed it. I've added some really cool products, like buttons! You've got to love buttons! I also added a new design today called Rifleman Elak! It looks good! 
Rifleman Elak by Taylor Lymbery
You can get this design with all of the products that the other designs come on. Besides for going to the indyplanet site and getting the comics, this is another great way to support the independent comic book, Xenex the Bug Man! Go show your bug man love! 
As soon as I get word that issue 4 is going to the website, I'll post it here on the site! Till then, if you need to get any of the previous issues, go to the comics tab in the storefront.
Xenex the Bug Man and all art work featured today are copyright 2012 © by Taylor Lymbery. All rights reserved.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Xenex the Bug Man Issue 5 Cover Revealed!

Xenex issue 5 Cover by Taylor Lymbery
Now that issue 4 is done, registered and off to the printer, I decided to go ahead with my tradition and show off the cover for the next issue. And I have to tell you now, I'm VERY proud of this cover!

When I made this issue's cover, I had to break it into two pieces.  One was the foreground artwork, the other was the background artwork. The background artwork is to be used for the back cover art when the first volume of issues are bound together. Both layers were colored in PhotoShop.

I really want to spill the beans and tell you all what exactly is going on with this cover, but I really shouldn't. I might give away too many secrets from issue 4 before it comes back from the printers! If you couldn't tell, I've become very pumped and excited about these new issues of Xenex the Bug Man!

As soon as I get word that issue 4 is going to the website, I'll post it here on the site! Till then, if you need to get any of the previous issues, go to the comics tab in the storefront.

Check out progression pictures of this cover below!

Layer 1 by Taylor Lymbery
Layer 2 progression by Taylor Lymbery
Layer 1 Colored by Taylor Lymbery
Layer 2 Line work by Taylor Lymbery
Layer 2 colored by Taylor Lymbery
Xenex the Bug Man and all art work featured today are copyright 2012 © by Taylor Lymbery. All rights reserved.